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Vanilla Powder

Our vanilla Powder is made from real natural vanilla beans, vanilla powder has a more intense vanilla flavour and can be used not only in baking recipes but as a natural sweetener. The purest form of vanilla powder comes from vanilla beans. Our beans are naturally sun dried and finely grounded to come up with the best vanilla powder

Premium Vanilla

Splits mean that the bean has split - either on the vine or during the curing process. Splits are sometimes preferred by commercial producers of vanilla extract because they usually have a Higher vanillin content. Our Extraction beans are a mixture of both whole and Split Vanilla beans with higher vanillin content.

Vanilla Extra Grade

Gourmet vanilla beans from Uganda are superior, with flavor and aromatic qualities that make Uganda vanilla beans the most popular and sought after vanilla variety

Our Vanilla Process

Vanilla is encased in a special bean, the fruit of the vanilla orchid. Roughly half of the world production of vanilla comes from Uganda. Side shoots and dried out wood are removed and the long vines are wrapped around upright wooden sticks. The beans are harvested shortly before they mature. By now they’ve taken on a yellowy-green colour. The vanilla is then brought in from the plantation, arriving at the factory for further processing.

At this stage, the sorting station. Beans that are roughly the same size and not brown or woody are picked out and sorted into large baskets. Experienced seasonal workers are employed to process the vanilla. The majority of the labour is performed manually; machines are not involved.

The next stage is to shock-treat the vanilla. The fruits are immersed for a short time in hot water of around 60 degrees. A layer of oily bean extract collects on the surface of the water. The proof is in the pudding as to whether the fruits were blanched for the right amount of time. The heat stops the maturing process and activates enzymes that are responsible for flavor formation.

A very intricate operation indeed, and one that accounts for the high price of the spice. Having taken their little dip, the beans are placed in a large sweat box. Here their aroma intensifies at a nice slow pace.

When the sun shines in the mornings, the beans are laid out to dry. you can see large drying areas full of vanilla practically everywhere. The processing of the spice takes from one to two weeks. Speeding up the process is not recommended as the aroma, vanillin, has to ripen steadily. During the processing and drying stages, the bean shrivels and becomes the proper spice – the dark brown, shiny vanilla sticks with that unmistakable aroma.

Finally, the finished vanilla beans are then sorted again. This time according to size. The best quality beans are those of around 20 centimetres in length. And several thousand of them pass through the hands of the workers here every day. The last stage is the final monitoring of the sorted bundles. Are the beans all roughly the same length? Are their appearance and scent faultless?

Only once these questions have been answered can the vanilla leave our processing plant ready for export.

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