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The Simons Vanilla

The Simons Vanilla is a leading supplier of the highest premium quality Vanilla products from Uganda, East African Country bordering Kenya from the east and the Democratic Republic of Congo from the West. Uganda is a tropical country with two rainy seasons a year, which makes Uganda the only country that produces vanilla two times a year. We at the Simons Our love for high-quality vanilla has brought us to work directly with our farmers and our vanilla beans are traceable all the way from the farm. We carefully harvest with the help of our farmers the best pods for processing and our clients always receive the highest quality of vanilla you can ever find anywhere in the world.

Our Vanilla Process

Quality Vanilla production

Vanilla is encased in a special bean, the fruit of the vanilla orchid. Roughly half of the world production of vanilla comes from Uganda. Side shoots and dried out wood are removed and the long vines are wrapped around upright wooden sticks. The beans are harvested shortly before they mature. By now they've taken on a yellowy-green colour.

Highest quality

Pure taste

Wide assortment

Eco package

Gluten Free

Natural product

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Dried with Caution

Dry Vanilla bean pods

Splits are extractions with mixture of both whole and split vanilla beans with higher vanillin content.

High vanillin specials | Good for commercial producers | Good and tasty

How to prepare Vanilla

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